Nightcap Books is currently accepting books for review.
I primarily accept requests from authors and publishers that I have previously worked with.
What I review:
- crime fiction
- cozy mysteries
- mystery thrillers
- psychological suspense
What I don’t review:
- children’s
- middle grade
- graphic novels
- nonfiction
- poetry
- audiobooks
When considering books to review, I look at the title, genre, blurb, and cover… yes, I judge books by their covers.
I accept both print and ebooks for review.
I will post a review on Goodreads and my blog.
I do not promise a positive review. I will review the book honestly, and sometimes that results in a negative review.
It takes me 4-6 weeks to review a book from the time I receive it. For books not yet published, I try to post a review the week of publication.
I only post reviews for books I’ve read. I don’t post guest reviews.
You may contact me at
Last updated February 24, 2023.